Often enough put therefore financial establishments their special attention to limit the knowledge of the salesmen trained by them mainly to which is sufficient for the sales of the products offered by them.
Like that it is not amazing that bank employees appear with products, which lie outside of the usual sphere usually directly overtaxed.
Their reactions are coined/shaped therefore often of a general defense behavior and culminate pretty often in the statement that there are not determined products at all on the market.
Due to such behavior of the bank salesmen and by the reverence, before the authority assumed at this person's group, it is a logical consequence that the customers are disconcerted with demands for products with unusually high net yields and led back in this way usually again into the standard products of the banks.
Instruments with higher net yields develop however from the needs of the banks, whereby they intend the rules of the cash transaction for large parts.
And if they can do without the co-operation of private investors, they do it also.
There is however business, with which they are forced due to legal regulations to be able to complete of natural and legal entities (investors) to avail themselves around these cash transactions. It concerns pretty often measures, which are made from banks to the raising of funds at the free capital market.